Since 1907, First Baptist has had a positive impact in the community of Vernon and sending others around the world with the good news of Jesus. 


Embodying and declaring the transformative power of Jesus Christ.  


The Church exists to glorify God and fulfill the will of God according to His Word by enabling God’s people to love and serve the Lord their God with all their heart, soul, strength and mind and their fellow human beings as themselves.


We value the church family that God has given us. We show this by knowing each person by name, recognizing their uniqueness and respecting their individuality. (1 Peter 2:17; Romans 12:10, 16)

We value and embrace diversity - in families, ages, race, culture and in capabilities. (Galatians 3:26-28)

We value those who don’t know Jesus and care deeply about their salvation. We understand the importance of building relationships in our community in order to fulfill the great commission. (Matt 28:19, 20; 1 Cor 9:19-23)

We value servant leadership that recognizes and fosters the God-given gifts and talents of the congregation, equipping them to undertake the ministries to which God has called them.(Ephesians 4:11-12; Romans 12:4, 5; 1 Corinthians 12:27, 28)

We value a servant attitude - putting others ahead of ourselves.(Mark 10:35-45; 2 Corinthians 4:5; Philippians 2:3-5)

We value open and honest communication - speaking the truth in love.(Mt 18:15-20; Ephesians 4:15, 25, 29)

“As the family of first Baptist, we not only embrace our diversity, but we desire to welcome those who long for a church home where they can belong.

It doesn’t matter what your background is, what your cultural heritage is; you are loved, you are welcome here!

It doesn’t matter what your economic status is, if you have much, or if you have little, you are loved, you are welcome.

It doesn’t matter how old you are, whether you are a child of boundless energy, or getting older, or somewhere in-between, you are loved, you are welcome.

It doesn’t matter what abilities you have, no matter what your physical or mental health status is, you are loved, you are welcome.

It doesn’t matter if you have lived long with faith… although that is wonderful, or if you are seeking for answers and truth, you are loved, you are welcome.

We can bring it all to Jesus, our brokenness, our questions, our grief, and we are loved. We are welcome.”

-Rev. Grace Wulff (from her sermon May 6, 2018)

Statement of Faith

The Canadian Baptists of Western Canada together affirm wholeheartedly the revelation of God as given in the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments and confess the faith set forth here. We here explicitly assert the doctrines which we regard as crucial to the understanding and proclamation of the Gospel and to practical Christian living:

  1. The sovereignty, love, and grace of God, the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit in creation, providence, revelation, redemption and final judgment.

  2. The divine inspiration of Holy Scripture and its entire trustworthiness and supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.

  3. The value of each human being as created by God. The universal sinfulness of humankind since the fall, which alienates all from God and subjects all to condemnation.

  4. The full deity and humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God, whose substitutionary sacrifice is the sole ground of redemption from the guilt, penalty and power of sin.

  5. The justification of the sinner by the grace of God through faith alone in Christ crucified and risen from the dead.

  6. The illuminating, regenerating, indwelling and sanctifying work of God, the Holy Spirit, in the believer.

  7. The church as set forth in the New Testament and understood historically by the Baptist community.

  8. The expectation of the personal, visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ, our participation in the resurrection, and the hope of eternal life.