Adult Ministries

We want to minister to everyone at First Baptist.

Please find out where you fit.

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STUDY Groups

Open Bible Study
Led by Laurie MacKay. A time of delving into the Scripture, good coffee and discussion.  Meeting in the fellowship hall at FBC
Thursday 10-11:30am

Ladies' Bible Study

Tuesdays @ 10:00 a.m. ALL ladies are welcome to come and study God's Word, pray and enjoy great fellowship. For more information call the office or Trudy 250.542.7744

Once a month, on Wednesday afternoons, 12:30-2:30. In the fellowship hall.

Contact Grace at for more info

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For Everyone

Potluck Supper - the second Friday of most months of the year

Bring your favorite, main dish, salad or desert along with your own plates and cutlery and enjoy a great evening of fellowship together.

For more information call the office.

Mens' and Woman’s Breakfast 9 a.m. the fourth Saturday of each month except July, August and December. Home made breakfast, devotional and sharing. 

We usually spend this time separately as men and women.

All are welcome.